A Vision of Art
for Everyone

Modern art prints
Komanda Studios views art as a necessary part of the human experience that brings joy and wonder to our lives.

Every unique art piece tells a story and invites interpretation, connection, and emotion. But original artwork is often expensive, which makes it inaccessible to many everyday people.

We believe you shouldn’t have to be affluent to enjoy original, modern art. Our gallery’s mission is to connect art lovers to their favorite new piece, at an affordable price. Every piece we sell is a 100% unique, one-of-a-kind project that supports the featured artist.

Affordable and Accessible

To achieve our vision, we reduce the profits from every piece so that your purchase can support upcoming artists without breaking the bank.

We know art can improve your quality of life and you should not have to sacrifice comfort to display the pieces you relate to.

Not only that, but our mission also requires accessibility through fast, secure delivery. By partnering with DHL and using secure, protective packaging, we can ship unique artwork worldwide for free.

Original canvas art

Support Artists Today

Modern art canvas paintings
While artists always receive percentage of your purchase so they can keep providing joyful experiences to the world, we need your support to keep our vision alive.

Browse our gallery to find something you love that you can display to the world in your home, business, or anywhere else.